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Social Sciences



This class will give students a foundational knowledge of psychology from a Christian perspective. We will explore the fundamental areas of the brain and human communication and interaction. Students will label parts of the brain and discover how they function, ways we communicate, explore the history of psychology, personality and theory, sleep and dreams, crisis intervention, counseling, abnormal psychology and more! Students will employ self-reflection and evaluation and study human behavior as it leads to a more meaningful level of communication. Modalities used will be: lecture, textbook, multimedia sources, assessments and analysis, writing papers, projects, tests and quizzes, and group discussion. High School Psychology is a wonderful addition for the students academic experience as well as fulfilling the growing requirements for college transcripts. Students will greatly benefit with a deeper understanding of human interaction from a Christian perspective.



No-Spin Economics

No-Spin Economics

Class objective is to demystify and simplify economics so students will understand the importance of economics, making them wiser voters and decision-makers! Primary text is Whatever Happened to Penny Candy.



U.S. Government

U.S. Government

This United States Government course will motivate and infect students with a lifetime appetite to understand and participate in the proper functioning of the government at the Federal, state, and local levels.



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